Trip to Aachen 2001

Visit to Aachen 2001

In 1999, the Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing traveled to Germany to commemorate the fiftieth year of twinning between the town of Aachen and Halifax. This proved such an enjoyable event that last year a return visit was made to coincide with Aachen’s own music festival.

The rushcart and pullers made an impressive spectacle processing through the streets and squares of the old part of the town. They were accompanied by Kirkburton Rapier Dancers who performed at the different venues.

The weekend culminated with a service at Aachen Cathedral where rushes were presented and, afterwards, where much beer and schnapps was consumed. Below are a few images from the weekend:

Banner-bearers prepare to march
Kirkburton Rapier Dancers process through the streets of Aachen
The Rushcart is pulled through the cobbled streets
A cart puller expounds on the quality of the local beer
Kirkburton perform the Holmfirth Anthem to a bemused German crowd
A cart maiden navigates a particularly difficult tree

Designed by Tom Stringfellow ~ Please e-mail with queries, comments or suggestions ~ Last updated 27/08/03